We are a growing church located in the heart of downtown Baltimore city, Federal Hill. We place a high value on the teaching of the Gospel of Grace and the Finished Work message. Our vision is to encourage you in your personal walk with Jesus Christ through fellowship and discipleship.

We believe that all Scripture contained in the Old and New Testaments is verbally, plenarily, and inerrantly inspired by God. It is the authoritative guide for all Christian understanding, life and ministry. There is but one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each is infinite, eternal, and almighty. Salvation is a gift from God. This was accomplished by Jesus Christ’s incarnation and His substitutionary death; and all who believe in Him are justified by the shedding of His blood. Because salvation is given by grace, the believer’s salvation is eternally secure and we have the liberty to worship and serve God. The primary task of the church in all ages is to teach all nations and to make disciples through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
